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January Wrap-up: 1/18-1/31/2016

I don’t know where January went in such a hurry, but somehow, February is here.  That means we’re just 11 days away from Liv’s THIRD birthday!  As bittersweet as it is to reflect on my baby turning into a little girl, I have to admit this age is so fun.


The most notable update is that Liv and I started Mommy-and-Me Preschool!  Here are the “before school” pics I took on Week 1 and Week 2, where Liv couldn’t stop dancing.  She really is the bounciest, danciest, wiggliest little joy!  Every activity the teacher announces, Liv enthusiastically jumps up and down, repeating whatever it is: “Story time, story time!”  “Guys!  We’re going to SING a SONG!”  “CRAFT TIME!!!!  YAAAY!!!!” 

She was really hoping all of the kids at school would be “gulls” (girls) and that one of them would be named “Darth Vader.”  Neither of these wishes panned out, but she’s loving school anyway!


At school, she’s the oldest, with kiddos ranging from 18 months to 3 years old, which is a nice balance to years of being the youngest among the neighborhood crew.


At almost-three-years-old, Liv loves princesses.  She’s also remarkably opinionated and stubborn about what she wears each day, always requesting dresses and tutus, pink and sparkles, nailpolish, etc.  She certainly doesn’t get this from her mama…

Liv’s passionate about stickers – especially at the grocery store checkout.  And recently, she’s all about these rings from the dollar store.

With the increase of Jared’s extra long work days, I’ve been on the lookout for new adventures for Liv and me.  However, we always fall back on our normal “activities,” like trips to Costco and Target, the park, library, and the mall play areas.

Of course, we make the most of family time when we get it, because daddy time is the best.  Recently, Liv’s started saying: “We are thwee best fwends,” and requesting “family hugs,” which melt our hearts right out.  Every time.


The only complaint I have is (always) the Sleep Wars.  Recently, Liv’s been popping out of her room minutes after going down for naps, announcing: “I’m all done with my nap!”  And truly, she’s wide awake, ready to play, and all done.  She’s also continuing to get out of bed in the middle of the night, requesting to watch a movie, eat food, come in bed with us, etc.

One thing’s for sure, she will always fall asleep in the car, easy as pie, during the shortest trips, and at the worst times.

Despite the never-ending sleep deprivation, my training continues.  Recovering from the Carlsbad Marathon went incredibly well – a good boost of confidence with the LA Marathon right around the corner.

Monday, 1/18 – OFF

Tuesday, 1/19 – 4 miles @ 9:06/mile

Wednesday, 1/20 – 3 miles @ 9:44/mile (before 6am!)

Thursday, 1/21 – OFF

Friday, 1/22 – 3.1 miles @ 9:10/mile (again, before 6am!)

Saturday, 1/23 – 6 miles @ 8:34/mile + strength

Sunday, 1/24 – Tempo: 8 miles @ 7:45/mile + strength

Monday, 1/25 – 4 miles @ 9:00/mile + strength

Tuesday, 1/26 – Speedwork: 8 miles @ 7:26/mile (9 x 800m @ 3:11-3:28 with 400m RIs @ BQ pace!) + strength

Wednesday, 1/27 – 3 miles @ 9:41/mile

Thursday, 1/28 – 5 miles @ 8:20/mile + strength

Friday, 1/29 – Hills: 10 miles @ 7:49/mile

Saturday, 1/30 – 2 miles, untimed

Sunday, 1/31 – 7 miles @ 8:51/mile

Writing out these training recaps helps me to focus on what I’ve accomplished, but they also highlight where I’m falling short… I’ve missed long runs.  I haven’t been cross training.  Too many of my “easy runs” felt harder than they should’ve.  My nutrition hasn’t been perfect.

The doubts and nerves are creeping up on me…


I’m (working on) embracing the reality that my training – and life, for that matter – will never be as predictable and structured as I envision.  This is my crazy, chaotic, challenging, awesome life, after all.

My “best” will never be “perfect,” but that doesn’t mean I won’t reach my goals.

With 13 days until the LA Marathon, my goal is all about building confidence, staying positive, and drinking all the coffee, because duh.

What are your goals for February?  What boosts your confidence?



3 thoughts on “January Wrap-up: 1/18-1/31/2016

  1. My goals for February are to find balance between my crazy work life and my personal/family life. I plan to play less games on my phone and spend more of my home time creating with my wife and daughter.

    Boosting my confidence has been an ongoing practice for me. I verbally and audibly remind myself of the awesome things that I am doing. I take deep breaths and remember that confidence follows intentions. Lastly, I take serious time, especially during moments of self-consciousness, to breathe and SMILE. It always seems to help.


  2. My goal is to not stress out over my long runs. As they get increasingly harder, I find myself getting so worried about them hours, days in advance. What’s the worst that could happen? I walk. It’s ok. It’s all part of growing and achieving something I’ve never done before. I keep reminding myself that what is once hard now will be easy in just a few weeks (which also scares me, ha!).


    1. Long runs can still be so daunting to me, but you’re right – what’s the worst that could happen?! You build confidence with each one! Just take it one long run at a time. One mile at a time, really! It helps me to think of what will help me look forward to it: new music, a new route, a new outfit, a mantra, recruit a run buddy, make some post-run brunch plans, etc. You got this, Sarah!!


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