
Aloha! I’m Meg, former “chick named Chuck” blogger, and marathon mama. I’m an RRCA certified running coach, health coach, and writer, who lives and breathes running, family, coffee, and big dreams.

I tried one season of track in high school, but always finished dead last. I hated running. It wasn’t until after college that I gave it another shot. Without an agenda or any pressure of competition, I was hooked.

Since 2009, I’ve run 28 marathons, 40-some half marathons, and countless other “fun-size” races. I loved running throughout my two pregnancies and still do a lot of stroller running. It took me 10 years and a few BQs to finally secure a spot in the Boston Marathon 2019, which was a dream-come-true that has only fueled my fire to see what other dreams I can run down…

I’ll be happy if running and I can grow old together.” (Haruki Murakami)

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